Dari namanya saja, tentu kita sudah dapat menebak genre dari game ini. Youtubers Life Full Version yaitu game simulasi perihal seorang Youtubers. Youtubers adalah sebutan untuk orang-orang kreatif yang menciptakan konten video apa saja, kemudian meng-uploadnya di situs mengembangkan video paling populer, YouTube. Pada game ini kau akan bermain sebagai seorang Youtubers yang memulai karirnya dari awal sampai terkenal. Kamu tidak dapat sepenuhnya fokus pada pembuatan video, acara sehari-hari menyerupai bersosialisai, belajar, dan lain-lain juga harus diperhatikan.
Link downloadnya klik dibawah :
LINK DOWNLOAD YOUTUBERS LIFE 0.7.11 ........................ KLIK DISINI ( Goole Drive )
Password : kholili123.blogspot.co.id
Minimum System Requirements :
- Processor: 2 GHz or better
- OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Video Card: 512 MB VRAM
- Storage: 3 GB free disk space
Cara Install :
- Download Youtubers Life melalui link di atas
- Ekstrak file yang sudah kau download tadi dengan WinRAR
- Jalankan YoutubersLife.exe
- Selamat bermain!
What's new?
- NEW: Italian and Polish translations have been included officially in the game. Thanks Riccardo Ruspoli, KivanAumar, El Brio, and Golden Pen Team F. || FromSilverToGlobal & Hirek
- NEW: gorgeous new clothes for girls
- NEW: different customization options
- NEW: addition of new effects and emojis for personal relationships
- NEW: interest is shown in a different way
- NEW: other UI changes
- FIX: crash at start
- FIX: courses do not end
- FIX: problems collaborating in videos
- FIX: fixed duduk perkara upgrading computer to an inferior version
- FIX: removed Replace PC option
- FIX: problems in the 2-floor apartment with the second PC —you probably have to wait 2 weeks until the option of a new PC shows up.
- FIX: performance optimization
- FIX: other minor bugs
- Tracking of the right responses in the cards game. When you discover the right solution, the card will always be branded as such and you won’t have to remember it.
- New change of level animations.
- New animations for a mysterious character which you will have to discover.
- You can reach more than 8M subscribers.
- Bug in which cards do not appear fixed.
- Problem with cards not belonging to your deck fixed.
- Problems with the wedding stage fixed.
- Some exploits fixed.
- Problems with networks event invitations improved.
- Pink screen problems on Mac fixed.
- Delivery problems fixed.
- Problems with the collaborative videos fixed.