Windows 10 Rs4 RTM Retail 17134.1 merupakan versi terbaru dari windows 10 spring creators update yang dirilis oleh microsoft beberapa waktu lalu. Sebelumnya kami sudah membagikan versi 17133 yang ternyata tidak dijadikan sebagai versi RTM, dan alhasil kemarin microsoft mengeluarkan lagi versi RTM dari windows 10 spring creators update di versi 17134 yang admin bagikan ini. Untuk bug yang masih ada sendiri kami masih belum tahu bug apa saja yang ada di dalam versi RTM terbaru ini.
Untuk fitur sendiri sudah banyak sekali yang ditambahkan dan dioptimalkan di dalam windows 10 spring creators update ini diantaranya : peningkatan microsoft edge yang lebih smooth dengan fitur multitabs, windows ink, windows mixed reality, microsoft photo apps, 3D in windows mode, dan banyak sekali macam fitur keren lainnya. Kalian yang sudah ingin tau dengan performa dari Windows 10 Rs4 Rtm Retail 17134.1 ini, segera saja download dan instal Windows 10 Rs4 Rtm Retail 17134.1 ini kini juga.
What’s new in the Windows Spring Creators Update
- Timeline shows up to 30 days of past activities.
- Timeline shows activities done on tablet and mobile phone when users are signed into their Microsoft accounts. Office 365 subscription sold separately.
- Sharing is only available between Windows 10 PCs. Nearby sharing must be enabled on both devices.
- Recipients can choose whether to accept the item a user wants to share.
- Support may vary for certain type of websites and by region and CVV information is never saved.
- This option will only be visible for certain types of web pages.
- User must download Microsoft Edge on iOS and Android phones, follow setup prompts, and link the mobile phone to the PC in PC settings.
- Touch-enabled device required; pen accessory may be sold separately. Tap to ink available in UWP and XAML fields. User must enable in pen settings.
- Compatible on select devices with Intel 8th Generation chipsets.
- PC requirements may vary for available apps and content.
- Cortana available in select markets; experience may vary by region and device. Cortana Skills only available in the US and work with select home automation and music services (paid subscriptions may be required). Some experiences may require Spotify Premium, users must accept Spotify’s Privacy policy and Terms of Use. Spotify available in select markets only. A free
- Spotify account and Internet access is required to stream music. To stream music ad-free, Spotify Premium is required. Catalog size and service availability varies by market over time.
- Additional requirements may apply per device.
- Dictation available in select markets; experience may vary by region and device.
- Eye control requires a compatible eye tracker (sold separately) and calibration software (included with eye tracker).
- Office 365 sold separately. Inking requires touch-enabled device; pen accessory may be sold separately.
- Office 365 sold separately.
- Windows 10 Home | Core
- Windows 10 Home N | CoreN
- Windows 10 Home Single Language | CoreSingleLanguage
- Windows 10 Education | Education
- Windows 10 Education N | EducationN
- Windows 10 Pro | Professional
- Windows 10 Pro N | ProfessionalN
- Windows 10 Pro Education | ProfessionalEducation
- Windows 10 Pro Education N | ProfessionalEducationN
- Windows 10 Pro for Workstations | ProfessionalWorkstation
- Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations | ProfessionalWorkstationN
3,01 GB - 32 Bit
3,01 GB - 32 Bit
Google Drive Server 1
Google Drive Server 2
4,21 GB - 64 Bit
4,21 GB - 64 Bit
Google Drive Server 1
Google Drive Server 2